Industrial machinery for different sectors. Accessories, instruments, components and parts for construction, agriculture, transportation and industrial equipment, among others.
Glasses, helments, boots, gloves, masks, harnesses, belts, cones, tapes, disposable and waterproof industrial clothing, reflective tapes, etc.
Electric, manual, pneumatic and precision tools.
AISI Standard Steels, steel and anti-abrsive plates, bronze and aluminum bars and tubes, ASTM structural steel, stainless steel pipe, Silica Sand for lab testing and mold casting, among others.
Electrical substations, high voltage switches, insulators, pole and pedestal distribution transformers, capacitor banks for phase correction, lightning rods, etc.
Measuring equipment, temperature controllers, tubing, peripheral equipment, control instruments, among others.
Inline pumps, centrifugal pumps, dispensers, compressors and high-pressures washing pumps, deeps well vertical turbine pumps and others.
Gulf Atlantic International Corporation
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